Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Comparison is a thief of joy

I never in a million years thought that I would be one to start a blog, but after a friend of mine suggested that I start one, here I am. After thinking about it, I realized that I actually have a lot that I would talk about. I've gone through and most importantly, learned a lot, in the past year. Honestly, I would love to share my journey so far so that hopefully someone will learn from my mistakes. If maybe one or two people read this, then I'll consider this a success.

The first thing and probably the most important thing that I've learned this year is that comparison is nothing but a thief of joy, simple as that. The sooner we understand the concept that comparing ourselves to others will get us absolutely nowhere, the sooner we can be content and maybe even happy with who we are. I see girls comparing themselves to each other almost constantly, and I'm sure if we could count the amount of comparisons we make in a day, the number would be astronomical (please notice I’m saying we…as in I’m just as guilty if not more than anyone). Whether we are comparing ourselves to others on an issue such as looks, money, or friends, or if we are comparing based on the amount of instagram likes your picture receives (don’t pretend like not getting a lot of likes doesn’t bother you), we are only hurting ourselves. The truth is, we are basing the value we place in ourselves on how we perceive others! How is this even close to being fair?? When we do this, it’s a lose-lose situation because we will never be good enough in our mind. There is always going to be someone who you feel is more _____ than you. Like I said, comparison is a thief of joy.

But, the good news is, comparing ourselves to others isn’t necessary in determining our self-worth. Your value has already been determined when a man named Jesus Christ died on a cross for you thousands of years ago. You don’t have to worry about how other people look or are acting because you know what? You are valuable and you have worth. YOU are worth being loved. YOU are worth being cared about, YOU are worth having valuable people in your life. Seriously, let that soak in. For years I “knew” this concept. In my mind, I would tell myself over and over again that "yeah I have value because Jesus died for me." But, my heart didn’t believe it.

That was until I went to this awesome event called “Afterdark” at Clemson. At this event, I realized that a man was mocked, tortured, beaten, hung from a cross, and eventually died all because he saw value in ME. If I was the only person on the planet, he would have gone through the same thing because he loves me and undoubtedly believes that I am valuable. I don’t know about you, but this concept blows my mind. God loves you and wants to truly know you so badly that he let his son die on a cross so that he could save and truly know you. Seems like he saw a lot of value in you, doesn’t it? If God didn’t see you as valuable, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross.

I can personally testify that once you realize how valuable you truly are, life gets so much better. You stop doubting yourself and stop thinking that you aren’t good enough for things or people. Because if I’m good enough for Jesus, then I’m good enough for anyone and anything. My identity is determined by Christ alone, and his love is a wonderful place to find my value.


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